Hi, my name is Becki

I believe that sensitive people can change the world.

I also believe that if you want to make a difference, you can’t wait for the whole world to be healed before you can rest.

That’s why I help people like you to make a difference without compromising on your joy, passion and contentment.

About me….

Almost 10 years after qualifying as a doctor to help people, I found myself ground down, overwhelmed and stuck.

As a sensitive person all my life I had prided myself on my empathy for others and ability to anticipate their needs, often to the point of exhaustion as I sacrificed my energy to help others.

I was deeply affected by injustice, passionate about doing the right thing. If something needed doing I would take it on. I would look back and wonder “how did I do that?”

Working long hours in a large team, I hadn’t realised how the sensory input and interaction affected my energy, I would just push through, often wondering why I was so tired and kept getting illnesses.

I was so focused on looking after my patients and colleagues, my family, and the planet that I’d forgotten to look after myself. After the sudden death of my beloved father, grief lead me to question whether I was really living my one precious life. I seemed to have lost my spark…

It was through coaching I got my spark back. I learnt how to only say yes to the things that brought me joy. I learnt to rest rather than push through. I worried that I would become less effective. In fact, the opposite was true. I was still making change, but I was doing it joyfully.

I found a balance and learnt how to manage my energy. These days I continue to work clinically whilst coaching and making a difference in the climate change space. I’m thriving doing work that has meaning and yet I’m deeply aware of the importance of avoiding burnout again.

I became a coach because I love supporting sensitive, passionate changemakers to create the calm, balanced life they crave whilst still making an impact.

Our world is often not set up for the more sensitive amongst us, nor for those who experience the world differently to most. I love helping my clients to find ways to thrive doing things they never thought possible. Moving from struggling to maintain their joy, hope and contentment and feeling overwhelmed to feeling calm, capable and content.

Being fully present for the wonderful moments in life is key to maintaining your energy for change and enjoying the view on the way, steadily changing the world for the better.

Want to know if you’re in the right place?

You’re making a difference in your everyday life, either through your work or your outside interests…but you’re not sure it’s enough or if you’re making a difference in the way you really want to.

You’re incredibly busy, in fact you have always thrived on having lots on….but you frequently find yourself overwhelmed or exhausted.

You are very aware that you only have one life, you want to make the most of it and you’re not sure if you’re doing that currently.

You fear burning out, perhaps you already have. You want to know how to make positive change without sacrificing your energy and your hope.

You crave some space, some time to stop and consider what it is you really want from life.

Ultimately, you’d like to lead your life with ease and calm authority, accepting yourself fully. To hold an inspiring vision to work towards from a place of active hope and replenishment.

Who are my clients?

They are changemakers, the activists, the fixers.

They haven’t always chosen the easy path, going beyond the 9-5.

They can’t bear to see injustice, they want it sorted and they want it sorted now!

They’re often told they are too sensitive or that they care too much.

They find it difficult to rest when there’s so much that needs to be done.

They tend to spread themselves too thinly and end up overwhelmed, stuck and wondering if this is how they really want to spend their one precious life.

They want to enjoy life, to find contentment but still have meaning.

They worry about getting bored but they also don’t want to be stressed and overwhelmed.

The world needs people like you, people who feel it all, to shine brightly.
I’m here to support you, to give you that space to stop and assess, so that you can make your difference, joyfully

Official bio

Becki supports sensitive changemakers to change the world without changing who they are.  

As a practicing hospital doctor with leadership experience in climate change and health, Becki has deep personal experience of the importance of maintaining active hope so that you can make a difference without burning out. She trained as a coach to support sensitive, passionate changemakers to create the calm, balanced life they crave whilst still making an impact.

To discuss bookings for speaking, podcasts and group work please use the contact form here.

Podcast Appearances

How to manage your energy as a highly sensitive person – You Are Not a Frog https://youarenotafrog.com/episodes/194/

Please Be More Insensitive (Said No-one Ever!) – You Matter https://open.spotify.com/episode/5qOh1R937T7Gztri6RPVHf?si=W94virHGT5SbhS70wpGsEw

Highly sensitive people changing the world on their own terms – On your own terms https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zU-Gak0JVc

Focusing on Sustainability with Dr Becki Taylor-Smith – The Medical Women Podcast https://open.spotify.com/episode/3AZJrBcmsCd2UDvDuYQmww?si=nr0kWExeStCzxM4nj6r_OA

Download my free guide: 5 signs that changing the world may be burning you out

Download my free guide: 5 signs that changing the world may be burning you out

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