Ways to work with me
1:1 coaching

The most effective way to get to the root of your current challenges so that you can design the impactful and contented life you truly deserve with the support to ensure you are equipped with the tools you need, for life.

We’ll have a complimentary call to discuss where you are in life currently and where you would like to be. If we both feel it’s a good fit then we can commence 1:1 coaching. This will take place over video call and your programme will be for a defined period, tailored to your individual needs.

Access to work funding accepted. Please get in touch to discuss.

See The Change

A 3 month programme involving 6 sessions. This programme will get you unstuck and accessing more joy and contentment. You will start to see the changes that you can make and the positive influence that will have on you and the people around you. This is for you if you want a short and effective programme and feel you can continue to embed the changes yourself after the 3 months. Most people find it so effective they continue for a further 3 months.


Be The Change

A 6 month programme involving 12 sessions. This programme will not only get you unstuck but will help you to go deeper into the conditioning that got you here in the first place, allowing you to get to the root and put in place changes that will last for the long term. You will start to be the change you want to see in yourself and the world as the work gets embedded. This is the programme for you if you want lasting change.


Neurodiversity Power Hour


Not sure if coaching is for you?

Thinking of applying for funding through your employer but not sure where to start?

Want to work through a specific challenge related to neurodivergence at work?

Group Work

Helping healthcare and climate change professionals to connect with active hope and gain momentum towards their vision.

Sessions may involve exercises focusing on connection to nature and the web of life, grounding, rest, moving through emotions related to climate change and designing actions grounded in active hope.

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