Why get a coach? part 2

Why get a coach? part 2

There are so many possibilities for our 3 women from last week’s post. What do you think they could gain from a coaching programme with me? Read on if you would like to know just some of the possibilties for these women and why working with me specifically could help...
Why get a coach? part 1

Why get a coach? part 1

rofessional athletes have coaches, they recognise that in order to perform at their best under pressure they may need a little help to get there. Have you heard the saying that behind every great CEO is a great coach? It’s a well recognised avenue of support in sport...


My client cries with frustration, she has spent yet another period of annual leave laid low with a virus, exhausted and unable to do “all of the things”. We examine what has lead to this point and identify just how busy she has been, how much she has been doing to...

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