Return to work anxiety

Return to work anxiety

It’s 10pm and here you are again, curled into a ball, phone in hand, the harsh bright screen lighting your face as you scroll through social media trying to ease the heavy feeling in the pit of your stomach.  I know you’re feeling anxious about going to work. I know...
I love my job

I love my job

I couldn’t always say this. I would tell people what I did and they would get this romantic look on their face and say “Oh, I bet you love it don’t you?” I never knew how to answer. I wasn’t sure I could answer with anything more than ‘it’s complicated’. Sometimes it...
What we know matters but who we are matters more.

What we know matters but who we are matters more.

I’ve been thinking about Jacinda Ardern stepping down as PM of NZ and what this means for women in leadership. Some are looking at her decision to step down as a failure, as confirmation that you cannot succeed as a sensitive, compassionate leader. This couldn’t be...
Are you an activist?

Are you an activist?

What comes to mind when you think of activists? You may not think of yourself as one but I think that you are. You see, activism doesn’t just involve gluing yourself to structures or protesting in the streets. If you believe passionately that something can be better...
Battling your inner perfectionist

Battling your inner perfectionist

I dusted off the Christmas music books and sat down at the piano to play, anticipating the familiar sounds of festive music only played for one month a year. The joy as my fingers touched the keys started to turn to frustration. Hang on a minute…this is supposed to be...

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