Battling your inner perfectionist

Dec 16, 2022

I dusted off the Christmas music books and sat down at the piano to play, anticipating the familiar sounds of festive music only played for one month a year.
The joy as my fingers touched the keys started to turn to frustration. Hang on a minute…this is supposed to be joyful, what’s going on?
Well the thing is, my inner perfectionist was having a field day. I hadn’t played these pieces for almost 12 months yet I was expecting sounds of Christmas perfection to fill the room! Bringing awareness to it allowed me to catch myself in the act and take a step back. I could just experience the joy of playing and not expect it to be perfect. I could just have fun.
Do you find your inner perfectionist taking over? The Christmas season can be especially tempting for our perfectionist as we try to provide the perfect experience, the perfect presents, the perfect food and have the perfect time. All we end up doing is piling a whole lot of pressure on ourselves which is almost impossible to live up to.
So how can you bring some awareness to catching your inner perfectionist in the act?
Where can you let go of perfection and just go with the flow?
If you’re struggling with this you could list the things you have to lose and what you have to gain by letting go. You may lose ‘perfection’ but you may gain what you are really looking for – peace, contentment and joy.
A lot of my clients come to me because they’re struggling to fully experience the joy in life. They just want to find a way to accept life as it is and go with the flow, enjoying what they have. If this sounds like you then send me a message to see how we can work together in 2023.
Wishing you a wonderfully imperfect holiday season filled with joy.


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