Why get a coach? part 2

Aug 28, 2021

There are so many possibilities for our 3 women from last week’s post. What do you think they could gain from a coaching programme with me?
Read on if you would like to know just some of the possibilties for these women and why working with me specifically could help you to achieve your goals.
Lucy could gain clarity on her priorities and vision for her and her family including setting boundaries, learning how to say no without guilt and to attending to her own needs so that she’s able to be more present and less “shouty Mum” with her kids. Each week she would have the ability to try out new ideas and go through them with me – exploring what worked, what didn’t work and forming new plans for the week ahead, fully supported in the process. Her whole outlook on work and life would be transformed.
Maryam could be supported through letting go of limiting beliefs about herself and really connect with the value that she brings in leadership. We could use the Women’s PowerTypes profile to work out her strengths and areas for growth so that she can bring her own feminine power to her leadership and spend less time and effort trying to ‘fit in’ or be someone else. We could explore support systems and plan out her career vision in stages that feel congruent and authentic for her. With her new outlook and confidence she could support other women in leadership to thrive.
Simone could gain the support to achieve balance, identifying factors causing stress and burnout and putting in healthier habits. We could work on the source of stress and anxiety and learn techniques that really work for letting go of those tricky emotions. She could move forwards with a new mindset about herself, about work and her future opportunities. She might worry less about what other people think and focus on contentment now, rather than at some point in the future. Her world could feel more expansive, and she could release any fear holding her back.
If you would like to achieve contentment with ease; move towards balance rather than burnout or explore upping your leadership game here’s a few reasons why we might be a great fit:
⚡️As an NHS doctor with over 10 years of experience, you won’t have to explain your job to me or the idiosyncrasies of working in the NHS! This means we can get straight down to business, giving you maximum value from our sessions.
⚡️I understand shift work so my session times are available at times to suit you – no rigid weekday times.
⚡️I have experienced burnout, compassion fatigue, bereavement, stress and anxiety whilst working in healthcare. I understand the juggle and I know that it doesn’t make you any less worthy.
⚡️As a compassionate introvert, I will give you the quiet and calm space to explore your concerns fully and accept everything you bring to the session with compassion. I will support you but I will also challenge you to be the best version of yourself, the version you have come to me to help you achieve.
⚡️I am a certified coach with One of Many, a women’s leadership organisation with a wealth of experience in coaching women. You have all the answers you need inside you, it is my role to help guide you to those answers. Sometimes you won’t have all the resources you need to find those answers and that’s where the One of Many tools come in. We will work with many life enhancing productivity and communications tools, including the Womens PowerTypes to help you achieve long-lasting transformation that ripples out into all areas of your life. Having experienced these both as a client and as a coach, the effect on women who use them is transformational.
⚡️I’m so excited that I get to help women in healthcare to transform their lives. When you are living the best version of your life imaginable, the effect it has on you, the people around you and the service you work in ripples far beyond one person. This is how we make a real difference, together.
If you would like to explore working with me, get in touch to arrange a no-obligation discovery call and lets see how I can help you transform your life for the better.


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